Fern Cohen, a graduate of Parson’s School of Design and Margot Owett, a writing graduate from the University of Pennsylvania, were paired as a team early in their ad careers. And, it just worked. Their talents were so compatible, their collaboration so seamless, that it was not long before they were referred to by a single moniker. “Let’s put Fargo on that” they’d overhear or “Think Fargo can solve that one!” Their names Brangelina-ized in perpetuity.

In their 20+ year partnership, Fern and Margot have worked at iconic ad agencies like Y&R, Saatchi & Saatchi, and VMLY&R, and pretty much done it all. They’ve created highly effective, buzz-worthy campaigns in everything from technology to beauty, retail to non-profits, corporate responsibility to diapers. They’ve launched global multi-platform campaigns with multimillion-dollar budgets and also produced scrappy digital videos for modest dollars. They don’t discriminate. They love it all.


Their work has been featured in The New York Times, Forbes, People and on NPR and frequently covered in Adweek, Ad Age, Archive and Shots. They were awarded a Cannes Lion for the 2019 Miss America rebrand and named a finalist in the coveted Glass Lion for Social Change category. They have been recognized by virtually every industry award show including The One Show, Art Directors Club and TED Ads Worth Spreading.


FargoNY works with a select roster of partners: brand strategists, media strategists, web developers, directors, editors, music companies, graphic designers and photographers. They compose teams scaled to each project with exceptional talent and expertise.


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