Real Life Is Fantastical:

Branding / Advertising / Film / Digital

Dell PCs were respected but consumers didn’t have an affinity for the brand, which was affecting sales. “The Power to Do More” was a story and music-driven campaign designed to create an emotional connection with audiences. It told fantastical tales with everyday people as heroes who achieved greatness with the help of Dell technology. Soundtracks included “Home” by Death Cab for Cutie and “Be Brave” by The Lost Boys. “The Power to Do More” ran for four years, increased brand affinity, put Dell into the top PC consideration set, generated continual PR buzz for the brand, and earned repeated creative recognition. The campaign proved so successful, that it was extended to the B2B division.


Practical Magic:


The Dell XPS borderless laptop and XPS HDR 4000 display represented product revolutions. We made sure their introductions were every bit as wondrous and visually inspiring as the laptops themselves.