Made To Think:

Branding / Integrated Advertising / Videos / Web Design / Social / Corporate Communication

After the “Set the Page Free” campaign established the brand as the leader in document sharing, Xerox wanted to focus on the surprising range of innovations coming out of Xerox PARC Labs. In winter 2019, Xerox rang the opening bell on Wall Street. At the investor conference that followed, we launched “Xerox: Made to Think”. The multi-channel integrated campaign highlighted their surprising digital “thinking” technologies such as hyperspectral cameras that detect skin cancer, A.I. that can reason, and micro-sensors that analyze air pollutants.


Advertising That Makes Neurons Fire:

The new global campaign launched a bold visual identity for Xerox. First, we “dropped the ball.” We did away with the globe on the Xerox logo, which was creating a dated association. We introduced a sophisticated, new modern palette and iconography that, like the act of thinking itself, was always dynamic and surprising.

Every communication and touch point, from the website to videos to social campaign, posed a provocative, almost riddle-like question designed to make the audience actually think...and think about Xerox in a new way.


The Word on the Street:


The “Made to Think” investor video introduced a different Xerox to Wall Street– an enduring powerhouse positioned to lead the way in digital innovation for years to come. Xerox’s new strategic focus led to a stock surge. In June, Barron’s deemed Xerox one of the five best stocks of 2019.